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Saving Dried Out Cigars Archives - Welcome to the WP
We'd like you to know more about Vigilant as a company. Here are answers to some of the questions we're commonly asked. If you would like more information, call us on (888) 556-2032, email us at: or submit your question or feedback on our support form and we'll be happy to answer your questions.

How do I salvage dried out cigars?

The key to restoring hydration in dried out cigars is to do it very, very slowly (about a month) so the cigars do not swell up and crack (much like a boiled hot dog that splits open). Start at a low humidity level of around 50 % RH and increase it by 3% each week until you get to around 70% RH. If you have a passive humidification (sponge) device, this can be challenging since they are difficult to monitor. Electronic systems will give you more accuracy so you can control and monitor the humidity.

Can dried out cigars be salvaged?

The answer is a qualified yes. If the outer wrapper is intact, you have a chance to get your cigar back to good smoking condition. It also depends upon how long the cigars were dry and what temperatures they were subjected to. Regardless, it’s worth a try to save almost any good cigar. Whether it will return fully to its pre-damaged flavor depends upon the cigar, the extent of the damage, and the method of rejuvenation. We salvaged some 40-year-old Tampa-made cigars that we found in an old humidor into very good condition. Most cigars are damaged because they have dried out. Lack of moisture has a major influence on the taste of a cigar. In drying, cigar tobacco shrinks as the moisture from the leaves evaporates. This not only changes the composition of the tobacco itself, but it also changes the structure of the cigar. If you are lucky enough to have the wrapper stay intact, you still have to deal with the problems with the filler and binder tobacco. This tobacco is what makes up most of the bulk and flavor of the cigar. The moisture in a cigar is contained in the tobacco leaves of the filler, binder and wrapper. When the filler and binder tobacco becomes dry, it shrinks, leaving air spaces between the rolled leaves. It begins with the wrapper and progresses to the center of the cigar. As the tobacco dries it shrinks and becomes brittle and may even begin to tear or unravel. Dry cigars smoke cool and burn fast. They also produce a more intense smoke to the mouth because the air space left by the shrinking tobacco creates a conduit for smoke to travel directly to the foot of the cigar.